WELCOME ...to the Comfort of Home Health Care...

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Chicago Health Inc. started off as a very small organization. Everyone in the office was like family, and through the mutual desire to help our elderly and with God’s good grace, we were able to build our way up. We were also able to expand to provide support and proper care which our parents and grandparents deserve. 

We strive to promote a personalized care in the safety and comfort of our clients’ home. To achieve this goal, we have a qualified and reliable team of healthcare professionals who are well-trained in providing care services to individuals who require our assistance.

nurse assisting an elderly manAgency Philosophy
Healthcare services must be available for everyone who needs it. It is a vital part of our health care system that must be given in a cost-effective and comprehensive way.

We shall provide and perform our services in accordance with the federal, state and local laws and regulations. We will also comply with the disclosure and ownership information. Based on our professional personnel practices along with our Quality Improvement Program, we abide by the acceptable professional principles and standards.

The agency’s philosophy is guided by the following principles:

  • Home health is designed to address the specific needs of clients and their family members.
  • Services are delivered in a way wherein an individual reaches optimal health.
  • Services are delivered in a flexible setting.
  • Care is provided with the goal to uplift an individuals’ dignity.
  • Client/family is involved in creating a personalized care plan.

Agency Goals

  • To offer home care services in collaboration with each of our clients’ physician, so they can continue living in their home.
  • To render a wide array of services that are designed to cater to our clients’ care demands, at the same time, working closely with them in developing, implementing, and assessing our services.
  • To help our clients remain in their homes as long as possible and provide assistance in a least restrictive setting.
  • To assist clients to reach an optimal level of functioning through restorative methods, procedures, and tools.
  • To provide high-quality, cost-competitive services to our clients.
  • To establish a good relationship toward referral sources in order to address our clients’ home care requirements.
  • To act as a liaison between our clients and accessible community resources and help them cope with their needs and problems.
  • To provide the necessary advocacy and care coordination to acquire the needed services for our clients to live in a safe and familiar environment as long as they want.